Buckaroo Holiday!

Two hours or so with your host, Mike ”Sport” Murphy.

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Thursday Aug 20, 2020

Thursday Aug 20, 2020

Hey gang. Is that a black star over the shoulder of Buckaroo Holiday? Well, maybe, but onward we ride, and always hope for brighter things down the trail. Details spelt out some on the show, so listen in... and you may ask me questions directly at Facebook or message me here, which may still work even if the axe falls. On with the show!!

Twenty One Gun Salute!

Thursday Aug 06, 2020

Thursday Aug 06, 2020

Hello there! Got another one for you. Hope you like. Tell your pals, etc. I think the Patreon thing lost me a bunch. How dare I!! Anyway, mwah!
Become a Patron!

Extra Bonus! Happy Bonus!

Friday Jul 31, 2020

Friday Jul 31, 2020

It's an EXTRA BONUS! A HAPPY BONUS! Bet you didn't expect one this soon, eh? Well, I'm doing my best to lift spirits and spread joy, 'cause then we'll get, y'know... world peace. Big announcement on this one, so prick up your ears, buckaroos. Actually here's a hint: https://www.patreon.com/buckarooholiday?fan_landing=true

Hey Nineteen

Thursday Jul 23, 2020

Thursday Jul 23, 2020

After another interval of unintended length, a new show for yez. Still neglected to include a few requests and other things I'd intended, but there's always tomorrow, friends. Try and keep cool in the summer swamp... hope this helps.  

Friday Jul 03, 2020

Well well!! Look what rears its ugly head once again! Several months of a fried computer, eventually replaced by a custom build by the prodigious Miles Murphy, and the Buckaroo rides again! Hope you're happy to hear this one, and I hope it isn't the last one; time will tell.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

This is NOT a regular Buckaroo Holiday, either. It's the second part of my audio "document dump" ...this time mainly being a flow of numbers from the Skels and onward through the final album, A Room of Voices. I hope there's enough entertainment in here to please the curious as well as the True Faithful, and if anyone has any questions, comments, lyric clarification requests, thank-you gifts, et al, feel free to write me at mcvouty (at) optonline (dot) net. Facebook still works as a point of contact too, for now. Cheers and thank you to all the musicians and engineers whose work made these recordings possible, and thank YOU for your indulgence. Not all these are what I call my "best" stuff; it's an attempt at a representative sampling, so apologies for any favorites I omitted. Sonics are wildly variable, dependent on available sources. A regular, fun-and-real-music-packed episode will be here before you know it. I dedicate these shows to the beloved memory of Joe Williams.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

This is NOT a regular Buckaroo Holiday. One of those will be along very soon. This is a special presentation in two long parts, serving as a summary of my years making music. If you are a stranger to my music, I suggest listening to part 2 first. This first part consists of a conversation Jim Allen and I had here at home, shortly before the shutdown. Interspersed are recordings spanning 30 years of work. You are forgiven if you fast forward through the chatter in order to hear the songs, and you are forgiven if you skip the whole thing. But I think some might find it all worthwhile; this is a personally necessary act of purgative therapy, but I wouldn't post it if I didn't think it held some degree of interest for others. Thank you Jim Allen for insisting I do this and making it happen. I expect an all-time low in listenership on this, but it was worth it. I dedicate these shows to the beloved memory of Joe Williams.

Thursday Apr 23, 2020

Your safety and well-being is our number one concern, so we've taken steps to ensure a safe experience for you when enjoying Buckaroo Holiday! But some very foolhardy, very bad people insist on listening to the show in large, densely-packed groups of unsafe, unmasked people. We continue to discourage this activity by avoiding familiar favorites and maintaining a strict no-reggaeton policy. We ask that, as you listen - safely and at a good distance from friends, family and large zoo animals - you constantly bake treats for first responders & bang metal objects in support of tireless caregivers... and always remember: the real heroes are the ones who entertain us all with safe, effective, peer-reviewed audio shenanigans. If you all behave (and inform us immediately of those who don't), we promise a really great... and safe... fireworks show in a couple of months.

Lucky Thirteen!!

Thursday Apr 16, 2020

Thursday Apr 16, 2020

Friends, Romans, Countrymen... lend me your ears. We come to bury two hours as zestfully as possible. So pour a drink, get comfy and hunker in style with this ALL NEW Buckaroo Holiday! You'll need a sponge bath after this one! Woo!!

Twelfth Night

Sunday Apr 05, 2020

Sunday Apr 05, 2020

Officially making it a baker's dozen of Buckaroo Holidays, we return with more of the sounds you never even knew you needed. A tree falling in the forest, narrowly missing a shitting bear. You know, given an infinite number of shitting bears, one will excrete the bust of Homer. Contemplate that.

Our Team

All of us here at Buckaroo Holiday share a commitment to you: your safety, your biodiversity and your unique and personal aestheo-philosophical traits and tendencies. Why not give us a try and see if your life isn't improved by interacting with our science-based and board-certified methods.  

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