Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Seeing as how everyone's likely homebound, I figured why not host a virtual party for all y'all, so we could see the New Year in "together?" Here's what you do:Do not listen until New Year's Eve!!! And...
For the full show, timed correctly, begin listening at exactly 11 pm, your time. If you'd rather come in later, there are lines of demarcation at the half hour mark (start there at 11:30) and 45 minute mark (start there at 11:45).
Observing these SCIENTIFIC ('cause I know you, like I, "fuckin love science") guidelines will ensure gay merriment... countdown and midnight eruption of bliss inclusive. Will it be precise? Greenwich mean time or whatever? Well, I won't guarantee that, but Christ, at these prices what do you expect?
Just ignore all external time of day signifiers and dwell in "Buckaroo Time" for the time being, and then everything will be copasetic. Rest assured, any toasts lifted at "midnight" your time will be met with same here at Buckaroo central, on the astral plane at least.
For anyone wishing to extend the party after 12:30, or to "switch out" the raucous music after midnight for something lighter and more relaxing, there will be an EXTRA HOUR of swell sounds on the Patreon.
REMEMBER: On the Second Buckaroo Holiday show way back when, I offered a detailed recipe for preparing the official cocktail of Buckaroo Holiday, the Buckaroo, of course. Presuming you're reading this beforehand, go on and pick up those ingredients and make some cold frosty Buckaroos for MAXIMUM VIRTUAL PARTY "FUN!"
ALSO: You "rebel" types or "essential workers" denied the thrill of real-time countdown fun, just have your own New Years party ANY TIME YOU PLEASE. As often as you want. What's the goddamn difference? All bets are off anymore anyhow.
Hope some of you take advantage of this very special and incredibly thoughtful service on my part, and may you all have a healthy and prosperous 2021 if such things are possible.
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Have a great holiday, a lovely New Year's, and all the moxie you'll need for the year ahead.
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Another specially commissioned show, this time concentrating on cover versions. This one was fun to make! LISTEN IN FOR INFO ON SENDING REQUESTS FOR THE "COMPANION SPECIAL"
Donations, Tea and Sympathy, Special Treats, Satori and general fullfillment:
Friendship, minus political bullshit, censorship and corporate or govt tracking:
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Back to a non-com, non-theme show for now... well, a kinda coincidental "themelet" emerges, but nothing too intrusive.
I can be "friended" here, but you probably won't:
You can support me here, if'n you take a notion to:
You can find me on either site by searching Mike Sport Murphy, for that is who I am.
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Here it is, MY birthday, and I'm giving YOU a gift. Sheesh!! Actually, you can thank Buckaroo Buddy Ron for commissioning this extra special special.
Now, some people express a distaste for this kind of music... well, no accounting for taste. Herein there are oddities and true delights. Hope you dig, and thanks, Ron!! Hope you enjoy it, most of all. AND there is a PART 2 with a slightly different emphasis, up now or shortly on my Patreon page.
Give up Facebook; it's evil. I use MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/mikesportmurphy
Support my efforts here if you want to: https://www.patreon.com/buckarooholiday
Souvenir giveaway number 2 next time!!!
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Hello there! Here's this. Enjoy responsibly.
My social medium: https://mewe.com/ as Mike "Sport" Murphy
My super special cool kids club: https://www.patreon.com/ as Mike Sport Murphy
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
For starters, please note that I've dropped Facebook, so please spread the word about this new episode on your various social media. And boy, is this one special...A Buckaroo first... a COMMISSIONED show!! An honest-to-god enlightened patron of the arts enlisted me to prepare a Buckaroo Holiday Hallowe'en special, to render all those other spooky playlists MOOT. I accepted the challenge, and here is the ghastly result!!
I am socially mediated on https://mewe.com/ as Mike "Sport" Murphy if'n you wanna comment or chat.
My Patreon, with a lot of extra content, is https://www.patreon.com/again as Mike Sport Murphy, if'n you wanna help a dude do this stuff. And there will shortly be a SEQUEL to this very show, posted there for members only!! Aaa-OOOOOhhhhhhh!!!
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Coming to the end of this phase of Buckaroo Holiday, gang! Leaving Podbean soon. Join me on the Facebook alternative MeWe (as Mike Sport Murphy) and BY ALL MEANS hook up with my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/buckarooholiday )
Will be starting the new show on Sheena's Jungle Room via WFMU soon. Hope ya dig this episode. Slainte!
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Hey gang. Is that a black star over the shoulder of Buckaroo Holiday? Well, maybe, but onward we ride, and always hope for brighter things down the trail. Details spelt out some on the show, so listen in... and you may ask me questions directly at Facebook or message me here, which may still work even if the axe falls. On with the show!!
All of us here at Buckaroo Holiday share a commitment to you: your safety, your biodiversity and your unique and personal aestheo-philosophical traits and tendencies. Why not give us a try and see if your life isn't improved by interacting with our science-based and board-certified methods.