Buckaroo Holiday!

Two hours or so with your host, Mike ”Sport” Murphy.

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68: Back on the menu!

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

A regular-type show for all you nice people, and you others as well. No social commentary, because there are truly no adequate words. Enjoy.

Sunday May 07, 2023

Hi there, friends...First of several specials commissioned by the mysterious Ms Binkowicz, surveying the musical riches to be heard in 70s cinema. Been a while... some rough times, but back now and more of this topic to come on the Patreon. Enjoy!
part 2 will be here:

Expo 67!

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

Here's a regular. ordinary ol' show for one and all. Hope you dig.
I think you're really cute. Let's meet here for drinks:
...bring money. I'll pay you back, swear.


Friday Mar 10, 2023

Friday Mar 10, 2023

Back on the ol' Podbean for a little old school Buckaroo fun. Hope it meets with your approval!
send your dirty, unwanted cash this-a-way:

Thursday Feb 02, 2023

At long last, the first part of a series commissioned by Ron McFarlan, our man in Canada. SO much music to consider, and there will be more very soon. Hope this assortment pleases; it tends to the melodic I think. The next part - a much more rockin' part - will be on the Patreon, which can be joined at: https://www.patreon.com/buckarooholiday

Saturday Jan 21, 2023

Egads! Well into 2023 and no new shows? What gives? Well, here's one to keep you busy while I wrangle a bunch of specials and what-not. There are some very interesting things ahead, just you watch.
tell your pals:

Friday Dec 30, 2022

Another New Year's, same instructions! Download, cue it up for 11pm NYE, then get set up with yer intoxicants and treats. Again... to be listened to according to STRICT RULES, to ensure the kind of foolproof New Year's party you've NEVER experienced except maybe here, like, a year ago. As the same rules apply, I'll just repeat the ones from then:
For the full show, timed correctly, begin listening at exactly 11 pm, your time. 
If you'd rather come in later, there are lines of demarcation at the half hour mark (start there at 11:30) and 45 minute mark (start there at 11:45).
Just ignore all external time of day signifiers and dwell in "Buckaroo Time" for the time being, and then everything will be copasetic. Rest assured, any toasts lifted at "midnight" your time will be met with same here at Buckaroo central, on the astral plane at least.
REMEMBER: On the Second Buckaroo Holiday show way back when, I offered a detailed recipe for preparing the official cocktail of Buckaroo Holiday, the Buckaroo, of course. Presuming you're reading this beforehand, go on and pick up those ingredients and make some cold frosty Buckaroos for MAXIMUM VIRTUAL PARTY "FUN!"

Merry Christmas!

Thursday Dec 22, 2022

Thursday Dec 22, 2022

Our third festive selection, with some seasonal numbers and a lot of the usual tinsel.
To all a good (Buckaroo) Holiday!
Why not join the V.I.P.s at:

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

Herein, some meditations on the Electric City, Art and sundry.
please put a penny in the old man's hat:

Thursday Nov 03, 2022

It's my BIRTHDAY MONTH!! Can you feel the excitement in the air? While you're busy shopping for gifts online, this ought to provide a bit of entertainment.
Join the Patreon here:

Our Team

All of us here at Buckaroo Holiday share a commitment to you: your safety, your biodiversity and your unique and personal aestheo-philosophical traits and tendencies. Why not give us a try and see if your life isn't improved by interacting with our science-based and board-certified methods.  

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